The Water Test: Granite Countertops

Not sure if granite countertops are for you?
Many are wary about getting granite countertops because they have heard that granite has more upkeep than other countertop options. Though this is not always true, granite countertops are more porous than quartz countertops, but not all granites are the same. Perform this simple water test to see if your granite countertops need to be treated with granite countertop sealer.
The Water Test: How to know if you need to seal or re-seal your granite countertops.

Step #1 Pour some water on the countertop. 1/4 cup should be plenty.

Step #2 Be sure to record the time you placed the water on the counter & when the counter absorbed the water, if at all. (Granite will darken when water is absorbed)

Step #3 Use the chart below to determine how frequently you must seal your granite countertop.
Water Test Chart

Immediate Absorption:
Apply a couple of layers of sealer once a year, and be sure to wipe up spills quickly.

4-5 Minutes:
Several layers of sealer are needed but only re-seal your countertops every 3-5 years. Reference this water test again before reapplying.

10 Minutes:
Apply one layer of sealer. It may take many years before you need to re-apply any granite countertop sealer.

30 Minutes (Or doesn’t absorb):
You don’t need to apply any more sealer. Your granite countertops aren’t very porous!
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Want to learn more about caring for granite countertops? Visit The Granite Guy’s website! They’ve got plenty of helpful tips like the water test and more!