First Modular Home Set on Sanibel Island Since Hurricane Ian

Affinity Modular’s Success on Sanibel Island
In September of 2022, Hurricane Ian tore through Sanibel Island leaving much to be desired. Few homes were left standing. Prior to the hurricane, Millworth Group, an authorized Affinity builder, built a 1,728 sq ft 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom Affinity home on the island. This house is one of the few to survive the storm. It was left with very minimal cosmetic damage, only losing a few shingles. This was due to the innovative modular construction process of Affinity homes.
Because of the Category 5 wind speeds this home was able to withstand, it became a natural example of a durable home that is attractive to many home owners. Millworth has been busy helping home owners rebuild after the storm. Their first of many homes was set this past August. The floor plan for this house is the same as the home previously built that survived Ian.
The build process starts at the Affinity Modular factory. The home is about 75% complete when it is shipped to a site. The set crew works to set and secure the modules on the foundation, making it weather tight within one day. Then, Millworth, as the authorized builder, will work for the next couple of months to get the finishing touches like the wrap around porches done. This particular house was placed on site on August 3rd. The homeowner is expected to be able to move in within 90 days. This puts them in their new home in time for the holidays. Click the link to the video below to see the home set in action.

Pictured above: Sanibel Island Home that withstood Hurricane Ian